Mental Health Journals (and a scrapbooking spread!)
The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and as someone who has depression and anxiety, I am all over spreading awareness! I teamed up with Traci Reed to use some of her amazing designs as the covers for some amazing mental health journals.

I also created a couple of spreads on the inside of one of the journals to document some of my mental health “feelings” (for the lack of a better word!) and the journey I’m currently on.

If you want to document some of your mental health journeys, be sure to check out the kits from Traci Reed (I like Filled with Intention and Time to Thrive for these topics!) and be sure to pick up some of the Traveler’s Notebook Mental Health Journals on Amazon!
Want to see some more amazing takes on documenting mental health journeys? Be sure to check out Traci’s blog post with a round up of some amazing Creative Team takes on this prompt!